Professional Solutions
Using Swedish and patented technology, LightAir is the leading expert in industrial and commercial air purification.

Clean air - for heavy industries, large warehouses and the finest offices

LightAir CellFlow Industrial Series

Whether heavy metal or choral singing

Our product portfolio solves challenges from those of the heaviest industries to medieval churches. From the largest automated warehouses to the sweatiest locker rooms. No one beats us in terms of effective air cleaning and life cycle costs.

Focus on business

Narrow niche with deep expertise

Clean air is essential, but rarely the focus of offices and schools. With an Americanized expression, LightAir is "an inch wide and a mile deep" in this niche. Through clean and virus-free air, let us together create the best possible conditions for performance in your premises.

Our solutions

From the industrial floor to the boardroom

Indoor air is extremely important in all types of premises. It affects quality of life in general, but also energy levels and productivity - for people and sometimes machines.

Spread of infection

Tough times for the spread of infection in offices and classrooms

We are facing a tough virus autumn and flu winter with an increased spread of infection in offices and classrooms. Lessons learned from the pandemic years should be drawn, including
Spread of infection

Tough times for the spread of infection in offices and classrooms

We are facing a tough virus autumn and flu winter with an increased spread of infection in offices and classrooms. Lessons learned from the pandemic years should be drawn, including

Indoor air in the metal industry - challenges and measures

The metal industry has always been extremely important to the Swedish economy, but often with processes that generate unhealthy particles. Read more about the challenges

Brighter days - but with reduced working capacity?

The season is great - for most of us. But for some, it presents a recurring problem that can lead to reduced concentration and ability to work.

Satisfied customers

Increase productivity and reduce sick leave - contact us for a free consultation.